The Orian Nebula
Welcome. As of right now, I am enrolled at the
1996 High School Computing Institute. This is a special class desiged to challenge top students to be creative, imaginative, and most of all- to have fun! To veiw the result of hours of slaving over a Spark10 at the institute, click here. I am currently attending Bingham High School and will be a senior next year.
Table of Contents
- My History
- Future
- Sci-Fi
- Feature
My History
Where should I begin? I was born in Fort Worth, Texas in 1979 (For all those who want to know, that makes me 17 right now. When I was little we moved to Utah- where we've moved short distance a few times but always stayed in the state. I am currently in South Jordan.
I have three younger sisters, and no brothers. Toni- the closest in age to me, is 14; Tara is 12, and Teandra is 10. If you haven't already figured it out, all our names begin with 'T', don't ask me why.
I attended Welby Elementary, South Jordan Middle, and am currently a senior at Bingham High School.
My path does seem destined for greatness, I just can't seem to see that far ahead. Imeadiatly, my senior year I will be working on concurrent enrolment at the Jordan Technical Center in the Advanced Business Computer/Management Training Course, for half of my school day. After High School I plan to attend BYU or UofU and earn a bachelor's in Computer Science. Then I can start making the big money, and retire!
When I have spare time, which is becoming increasingly shorter every day, I like to Read Science Fiction, Draw/Sketch, Make 3D models out of cardboard (mostly my favorite ships from various Science Fiction Television Shows) and hang out with my friends. (Also become increasingly shorter) Also, A have written an unpublished Short Story/Novel? based on Star Trek: The Next Generation (but totally differant), called Star Trek: Discovery. I am currently in the process of refining it, but I have no idea how the public would react if I were to attempt to publish it. I would appreciate suggestions, or comments on the subject, and I will gladly explain the Characters/Story/Plot/Idea to you if requested.(My e-mail is on the bottom of this page)
Science Fiction
Science Fiction is a big part of my life, and an exiting avenue of creativiy for my mind. Science Fiction, to me, is a speculative glance into mankind's future, and I really get into it. Science fiction comes in many forms, but the most prominent one is Television. SF has come a long way from 2001: Space Oddessy in the '60's. Some of the better ones were Star Trek, created by Gene Roddenbury, and Doctor Who, a Brittish series. Today Science Fiction is more prominent than ever. From shows like the Star Trek movies, and their series spinnoffs:Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and the new Voyager, to completely different formatts like Babylon 5 and Sliders. I can only imagine what Mankind's actual future might be. I have to include my friends in the BHS-CC-96. As they complete their pages; they will be added.
Other Stuff
Independance Day has arrived- an awsome movie!
The Feature
Anyone waiting like I am for the next movie in the Star Trek Seris- Star Trek: First Contact? Inside info: Would you like some major info? I found an excellent info page with history of production and other tidbits. WARNING- Contains Spoilers!!! Any other information gatered will be posted here. Watch for it!
The Best Links in the World Wide Web
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since July 5, 1996
Questions, Comments? Mail me!