I am a student in the 1997 University of Utah High School Computing Institute. Next year I will be a senior at the best high school in the state (Cyprus High School).
The sports I love to play include soccer, ultimate frisbee, and basketball.
I love to listen to classical music and play it on the piano. Some of my favorite compositions are (by Beethoven) Fur Elise, Adagio (Moonlight Sonata), and (by Bach) Brandenburg Concerto No. 4.
My prime interest, though, is programming! I code in anything available, which, at various times, is assembly, (Q)BASIC, Pascal, C/C++, Java, and (recently) Lisp. I'm currently working on several projects. I'm fed up (understatement!) with DOS and it's menus (i.e. Windows 1.0, 2.0, 3.x, Win95, Win NT, etc., etc. etc.), so I've begun work on my own operating system. It will not have a command line interperator because support for this would be either impossible or extremely clumsy and quarky, because of some of the ideas I'm implementing (PURELY OBJECT-ORIENTED! The closest till now has been OS/2, and event that is still based on procedural, command-driven applications). Also, I'm making an xbattle clone for the i386 AT architecture, and I'm using VESA graphics to get the necessary playing field size. However, it's real-mode, and it's slow (for now ;).
I finally finished the bracket problem. I saved it as a gif so you can view it. You can also view the source code to see how to do it.
Here's my final model project. Sorry, not releasing THIS source code.