Julie Miller
Look-It's me
I am a student in the University of Utah
1996 High School Computing Institute. If I survive the summer I will be a senior at Granger High School. I have a variety of strange interests: fencing, living history, costuming,etc., as well as the usual ones: music, computers, reading, and math. I have played the piano and violin, and I love to sing, I've been taking voice lessons for over a year, luckily for the people who are around when I'm exibiting my love to sing. I usually read fantasy, but I also enjoy sci-fi, historical fiction, general fiction, rare mysteries, occasional classics and a wide variety of non-fiction. I find reading children books once in a while is very relaxing. Some of my favorite authors are Robin McKinely, Patricia Wrede, Diana Wynne Jones, James Harriot, the Yorgansons, and Jack Weyland. I have enjoyed some books by Anne McCaffrey, Piers Anthony, Mercedes Lackey and others, but I've learned that fantasy authors occasionally pack their work full of r-rated trash. I like mind puzzles, animals, the outdoors, being around people who aren't normal, and learning new things. Earlier in June I went to Engineering State as USU and this August I will be in a computer program at BYU. If I have any free time this summer I would like to learn social and/or folk dances, meet people from the Society for Creative Anachronisms, swim in the ocean, make lots of cookies, learn to ride horses, have parties, go to a starshow at the Hansen Planetarium, tube down a river, go to the Shakespearean Festival and do anything else that sounds like fun.
Look down
Here are some favorite links from the person who started this page. Enjoy!
A few extra links for those who feel like looking in strange places.
P.S. End of summer note
-Sorry, I dont have Email anymore
- This has been an amazing experience. If you ever have an opportunity, do as much as you can the summer of your junior year. I can personally recommend Engineering State at USU, HSCI here at
and AHSSP at BYU.